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Summer Term

As the weather warms up we have been able to spend lots of fun time in the garden discovering what lies beneath the tree stumps. “What are they someone shouted” “centipedes” someone replied “yuk”. They all watched with fascination as the centipede quickly disappeared into a hole and laughed as the beetles ran around trying to find somewhere to hide. In other parts of the garden the children were busy planting some cherry tomatoes and adding canes to keep them straight. As it was international mud day this month it was a very messy affair with lots of mud pies being made in the mud kitchen

The pre-schoolers have been busy with the doctors’ kits, looking at x-rays and talking about what they like to take a photo’s of, matching the picture with the x-ray. They were all amazed at how curly a snake’s spine was compared to the straightness of a monkeys. While in the hall the roar of dinosaur land could be heard at one end and others were enjoying afternoon tea in the home corner at the other. Gloop was a favourite as usual watching it drip, drip from between their fingers, adding colour and water to change the consistency.

We were extremely lucky to have Gill Evans Noah’s Story Box come along to tell the children the story of Noah’s ark. The children sat and listened beautifully joining in with the songs and each being an animal going onto the ark two by two. Afterwards the children coloured in some lovely pictures of Noah’s ark and rainbows.

Coolsportz has been so much fun. As England are playing in the Euro’s the children have been practising their football skills and with Wimbledon upon us it will be tennis skills this week. In French the children have been talking about going in the sea (la mer) and on the beach (la plage). Yoga looked at the colour monster who helped the children identify how each colour made them feel (Red angry, Pink love).

As the school year draws to an end we have been reflecting on how our pre-schoolers have grown and blossomed. When they first arrived they were our shy little caterpillars eager to learn and grow, treading carefully until they found their wings and now we are about to release our wonderful butterflies who fill our hall with love laughter and learning everyday. We will miss each and everyone but we wish them all the best in their new adventure.

On a final note we would like to say a big welcome to our new member of staff Jane who will be joining us in July. As always thank you to our amazing committee for all the support and time they give to Stepping Stones.

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